MotorCoach Blog 15

I am a motorcoach…

. . . continuing on “pilgrimage,” which shares similarities with the popular concept, “bucket list.” Observation of passengers informs me that people tend toward spectacular investment in something. And such somethings generally have famous places and/or events beckoning devotees. For example: romance with flight and candy-colored skies draws tens of thousands of onlookers to the Albuquerque Balloon Festival every year, to which I contribute several dozen awed participants.
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(which by definition means I’m in them . . . though you might have to look for me)

Did you know there are people all over the world who take daffodils very seriously? They were in St. Louis for the biannual World Daffodil Convention (two years ago it was in New Zealand). I welcomed aboard foreigners from Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, and Chile; and from the U.S.: California, New York, Georgia, and Virginia. Then I delivered them to fields of daffodils only a handful of people know exist. There are more than 2,500 varieties of daffodils on this property (all in rows and each kind labeled).

Opening Day at Busch Stadium―to some, baseball mecca―inspires “Cardinal Nation” to flock together in ever increasing numbers, some traveling great distances to be a part of the festivities.

You know that moment at a wedding when the doors swing open and the bride appears? Well, I participated in my first wedding this past week and my door was THE door. Momentous, I would say. I was chosen to be a part of the ceremony joining pilgrimage partners!

Here Is The News!

MEETING THE NEWS on the roadways of America, first-hand, real time, real world news—going out and discovering the news . . .

NEWS Of DAFFODILS: Here are some things someone should have told you about daffodils, but probably no one did. There are 13 divisions of daffodils; their distinctive characteristics are based on color patterns, depth of cup (or corona), and length of petals. Daffodils are officially registered with the Royal horticulture society in the UK; and there are more than 36,000 registered varieties.


NEWS OF SKILLS: I parallel parked my 45 ft. self into a 48 ft. space (four inches from the curb front to back) with rush-hour traffic whizzing by! (No, nothing to do with pilgrimage, but I wanted to tell someone).


(Unlike selfies, these are not about me, but about places you’ll want to visit.)

Two attractions to which nature lovers from all over the world are compelled to pay a visit: Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park, and Bryce Canyon.
MCblog pic - Old faithful

MCblog pic - Brice C

Quote Of The Day samples

“Why not go out on a limb? That’s where the fruit is.” ― Mark Twain

“By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin

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