MotorCoach Blog 49

I Am a Motorcoach . . .

. . . maneuvering my way around potholes and snowbank mazes, through narrow squeezes in parking lots, down crowded urban streets busy with oblivious pedestrians and autos competing for real estate, across flowing lanes of highway traffic, and onto splintering multi-directional exchanges, ramps, loops, tunnels, and crisscrossing overpasses. This is who I am in a word: maneuvering. It is what I am designed for and crafted to do. Motorcoaches do not fix things, correct systems, or petition for better conditions. In fact, formation of a complaint is foreign to our circuitry. We owe our existence to the ideas and activities of planners, surveyors, civil engineers, developers, and construction administrators. We know their errors intimately. We travel the details, and experience the flaws. Yet, no motorcoach has ever contributed a single suggestion for traffic distribution or infrastructure betterment. I maneuver through what is . . . that’s all.

Here, Chicago, is a good place to demonstrate. Let me show you . . .


(which by definition means I’m in them . . . though you might have to look for me)

Wendella Boats sits on the west side of Michigan Avenue where it meets the north bank of the Chicago River. The location is also a favorite photo-spot for sightseers. There is a small cutout off of the busy Michigan for dropping off and picking up passengers. It can accommodate seven or eight cars or three motorcoaches, or a combination of these with room for others to squeeze through and out onto Michigan if everyone is squared tightly to the curb. To find the cutout unoccupied, or occupied by sensibly parked vehicles . . . well, that’s just not Chicago. The maneuvering is further complicated by traffic lights that back up traffic on red cycles, making it a trick getting into and out of the cutout. But, when a spot is secured, the view in every direction is impressively CHICAGO!

Three-and-a-half miles south of Wendella Boats, just south of Roosevelt Rd, there is a refuge for motorcoaches and buses along Canal Street. Except for this one designated spot, Chicago offers little relief from constant and congested movement. Whenever there is a break in the action, I maneuver my way to Canal Street.

See this little burgundy vehicle with the sign on its roof? That is a taxi. Taxis are to the streets of Chicago what flies are to a barnyard – busy and relentlessly present. Whatever bit of pavement you are moving toward, there are five of them that have their eyes on it. Maneuvering in Chicago is taxi-conscious.

Here Is The News!

MEETING THE NEWS on the roadways of America, first-hand, real time, real world news—going out and discovering the news . . .

RAIL NEWS: Adjacent to the Canal Street motorcoach oasis is the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad yard. The BNSF Metra is a commuter rail line serving Chicago and its surrounding suburbs. Chicago has long been the most important rail center in North America, with lines radiating in more directions than from any other location. Chicago’s first railroad was the Galena and Chicago Union, first opened for business in 1836. Today Chicago rail yards are the coordinating centers for freight distribution throughout the U.S.; and Chicago is the hub for Amtrak, the national intercity passenger system.

“L” IN THE NEWS: Jammed with horses, wagons, streetcars, and pedestrians, in 1892 the crowded conditions of Chicago streets were much as they are today. That was the year the first elevated rail system began moving people through Chicago above the streets. The attempt to alleviate some of the street bulge would become a successful fast transit system known as the “L.” Today the “L” is the second busiest fast transit system in the U.S. (to that of NY City). Having united previously competing rail providers in 1924, the “L” transports nearly 240 million riders annually.


(Unlike selfies, these are not about me, but about travel discoveries I think you’d like to know about.)

This Thomas Edison cylinder phonograph sits among other pristine musical furnishings from the late 19th Century in the entry to the mansion-museum, “Place de la Musique,” at Sanfilippo Estates. Thirty-seven miles from downtown Chicago, “Place de la Musique” holds the largest collection of automated music machines in the world. Gloriously restored orchestrions and nickelodeons created between the 1890s to the 1930s are prelude to the largest theater pipe organ ever built and the most complete European Salon Carousel in the world, the Eden Palais. With an abundance of crafted beauty to match the fullness of auditory enjoyment, the Sanfilippo experience is nearly too big for words.

Quote Of The Day samples

“Eventually, I think Chicago will be the most beautiful great city left in the world.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

“The more relaxed you are, the better you are at everything: the better you are with your loved ones, the better you are with your enemies, the better you are at your job, the better you are with yourself. – Bill Murray

(Video run time: 1 minutes 43 seconds)

Musical accompaniment – George Street Shuffle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (…) Source:… Artist: Music promoted by Audio Library

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MotorCoach Blog 18

I am a motorcoach…

. . . Two Six Eight reporting from Chicago, but not so much on Chicago. This adventure was about music. But before we get to that, a word or two about time. I heard a passenger say, quite pleased, “Oh good, we picked up time.” Later, equally pleased, a different passenger looked up from studying a handheld GPS and said, “Great, we dropped some time.” Curiously, both meant precisely the same thing by their statements: we were making good time. Whether “making,” “picking up” or “dropping,” or “being on” time, one must be engaged in some form of travel. The sedentary can kill time or waste time, but not do anything measurable or meaningful with it. For that you must be a traveler. It’s another reason why I love being a servant of travelers: like me, they place a high value on time. I only have so much time before new motorcoach models come out pushing to render me obsolete, or new technologies make roads (as we know them) obsolete. I’m not for sitting around in the garage. Get me out with the travelers, where the action is, where time is of the essence.

Until next time . . . happy travels.


(which by definition means I’m in them . . . though you might have to look for me)

Here I am in Chicago. Ok, ju-u- u-u-ust kidding. This vintage pic represents what I expected but not the actual experience. Somehow I made it in and out of Chicago without seeing a single taxi, without waiting in traffic or encountering congested streets, and without seeing a tall building (due to overcast conditions). I’m certain it will never happen again.

This is the closest I came to anything I would expect of a visit to The Windy City, which could also be coined the city of perpetual construction.

Here was the focus of our trip – yes, this seemingly ordinary building. By Chicago standards its appearance is especially ordinary, perhaps even non-descript. But at closer study you will see it is anything but ordinary. Back to our subject of time: see those lines above the windows bearing my fashionable image? A musical time motif – a clue to the extraordinary activities going on inside. “Wait,” you might object, “there should be five lines.” Well, genius is often owed to what is missing, measured silence, what is not stated but implied, that which suggests and awaits creation. This building, by the way, is where Lowrey organs are designed, fashioned, and shipped out to world-wide destinations.

Here Is The News!

MEETING THE NEWS on the roadways of America, first-hand, real time, real world news—going out and discovering the news . . .

NEWS OF COMMUNITY: My passengers were a tight knit group brought together by music . . . specifically keyboards . . . more specifically, those found at Lacefield Music stores in Metro St. Louis.

TECHNOLOGY IN THE NEWS: Even more specifically, the Lacefield keyboards that brought them together are integrated into the design of Lowrey organs. Yikes! And I thought my control panel was sophisticated. According to the glowing reports of my passengers, Lowrey organs – and the Lowrey Virtual Orchestra – are the result of relentless pioneering of the most advanced sound generation technologies from the 1920s to present.


(Unlike selfies, these are not about me, but about places you’ll want to visit.)

When passengers disembark and head out on their adventures, I never know what treasures of discovery they will return with. These submissions are in the form of video. So, take a little time and enjoy the music!

I have never heard a more fitting last name than that belonging to world renowned organist, DyAnne Awe. Watch this video clip of her performing her own composition of the music from Fiddler on the Roof and you’ll know what I mean. (7:55)

Refer back to what I said above about genius owed to what is missing and you’ll have a fine introduction to the fellow featured in this video. His name is Bil . . . Bil Curry. Bil is a music producer, the creative genius behind all musical content programmed into Lowrey organs. And: amazing! (6:41)

Quote Of The Day samples

“If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way.” ― Napoleon Hill

“There are three kinds of ballplayers: those who make things happen, those who watch what happens, and those who wonder what happened.” ― Tommy Lasorda.

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