MotorCoach Blog 30

I am a motorcoach…

. . . in my last blog I told you about the rowdy internationals newly hired at AB InBev. But did I mention that they filled five motorcoaches? Quite the mobile party! I’ve had a number of opportunities of late to hang out with some of my friends on these multi-coach missions. Shortly after the AB InBev outing ten of us got together to transport Channel Seed reps from around the US, in town for their annual convention. TEN motorcoaches! We took these seed growers and sellers to the St. Louis Science Center for . . . what else . . . the GROW exhibit. And most recently, none other than Beyonce brought five of us together for transporting her world-tour entourage around St. Louis – gateway to the FORMATION of the west.

You’ve heard the adage, “where there’s a will there’s a way.” I’ve been telling you about human stuff that amazes me – Ambition, ingenuity, creativity . . . “Will” surprise me. Start with a little will, and sure enough, like magic, there it is: a way! By this simple formula industries are created and infinite possibilities are supplied to countless people looking to make their way in the world. It’s not: will plus__________ equals way. It is: will equals way. Why is that? It is more than surprising; it’s confounding. Dare I say, it’s got me scratching my roof. Will equals way? Maybe it’s the void of imagination in my computerized, inanimate self, but I’m certain reality defies the odds on this one. Yet I observe it every day, everywhere I go, every passenger I serve. I can only conclude: something special is at work in this world.


(which by definition means I’m in them . . . though you might have to look for me)

Here I am with four co-workers, waiting for AB InBev internationals to return and the traveling party to resume. Someone – years ago – said, “I want to make a little beer, see if I can find some folks who will like my product enough to buy it . . . hopefully enough of them that I can make a living at it, support me and my family . . .

Seeds . . . they invented the farmer, you might say. Now, “seedsmen” manage them, hybridize them, introduce new and improved seeds, market and sell them. Ten motorcoaches full of seedsmen – seed experts from just one of Monsanto’s many companies. It’s the kick-off of the sales season. There’s a lot of seed competition out there. The farmer has few chances to get it right; each year is one chance. Making a living on seed expertise, the seedsman’s job is to help the farmer get it right.


Here we are out on the tarmac with Beyonce’s Formation World Tour crew: musicians, singers, dancers, stage hands, sound and light engineers, merchandise managers . . . Beyonce is billion-dollar industry.


This is Alec. His accent suggests foreign beginnings. But he is here, in America, a logistics specialist. Alec started his day at 5:00 AM in New York City and flew into St. Louis ahead of the rest of the Beyonce entourage. It is his job to get all the pieces in place – everyone where they belong. To us motorcoaches, Alec is “the man with the plan.”  Where there’s a will . . .


Here Is The News!

MEETING THE NEWS on the roadways of America, first-hand, real time, real world news—going out and discovering the news . . .

NEWS OF FORMATION: From Citi Field in New York to London’s Wembley Stadium, LA’s Dodger Stadium, the Jones Dome in St. Louis, and nearly 40 other dates, sellouts in Beyonce’s stadiums-only Formation World Tour are placing Formation among the most successful tours in history. The typical stadium accommodates well over 50,000 ticket-holders; in several locations (London, Chicago . . .) demand has led to filling stadiums on added dates.

NEWS OF IRRIGATION: a couple of passengers, Channel farmer/seedsmen from Texas, were conversing:

“I remember back in 1990 when pivot irrigation systems watered on average in hundred-and-twenty-acre circles, pumping 800 gallons a minute.”

“Yeah, ’90 was a tough summer – hot and dry.”

“Farmers abandoned half the irrigation circle – 60 acres – to save the other half. Now, here we are in 2016. Pivot irrigation systems pump 500 gallons a minute and no one abandons acreage in tough conditions.”

“More corn with less water.”

“It’s all because of advancements in irrigation system technologies and seed hybrid technologies. It’s about being better stewards of our most valuable resources: land and water.”


(Unlike selfies, these are not about me, but about travel discoveries I think you’d like to know about.)

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Quote Of The Day samples

“Today’s focus determines tomorrow’s results.” ―Diana Ross

“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” ―Pablo Picasso

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